"We prepare students to engage in the world that is and to help bring about a world that ought to be."

Alumni Updates

Beginning October '21 all Alumni updates can be found at www.friendsnewsletter.com.
Helen Banta '30
Beonne Boronda '30
Honora Breure '30
Helen Bruner '30
Barbara Chadwick '30
Virginia Donaldson '30
Dorothea Drake '30
Linda Foster '30
Thomas Green '30
Mary Hitt '30
Boris Israel '30
Alice Keith-Elliot '30
Young Lee '30
Andrew Love '30
Gilbert Macpherson '30
Barbara Joy Magnus '30
Sylvia Nicholson '30
Ann Post '30
Caroline Rindsfoos '30
Edward Shepard '30
Mary Simpson '30
Julian Smith '30
Camille Soloman '30
Priscilla Stephenson '30
William Stephenson '30
Frances Swift '30
Yvonne VanCant '30
Louise Wendel '30
Carl Whitney '30
Katharine Wolf '30
Rita Zaharia '30
Evelyn Austin '31
Tom Bevans '31
Samuel Bicknell '31
Edna Bohlmeyer '31
Constance Brown '31
Carol Burnham '31
Elizabeth Carson '31
John Chalmers '31
Bernard Close '31
Dorothy Converse '31
Charlotte Droosten '31
Rosemary Dudley '31
Leola Dunn '31
Peggy Flynn '31
Charles Gendell '31
Madeline Hadley '31
Helen Higley '31
Anthony Kelley '31
Betty Lawford '31
Teddy Lawford '31
Robert Lyon '31
Donald MacMillan '31
John Montgomery '31
Eugenie Moy '31
Doris Nichols '31
Virginia Payton '31
Nancy Robinson '31
Mark Saxton '31
Jack Starr '31
Mary Thomas '31
Dorothy VanBuskirk '31
Robert Woodbridge Jr. '31
Bruce Aitken '32
Veronica Balfe '32
Clothilde Bellguard '32
William Blood '32
Barbara Bryan '32
William Chalmers '32
Alfred Chichisola '32
Mary Cole Wallner '32
Rosalind Couper '32
Elizabeth Dickinson '32
Fulton Donaldson '32
Murray Feldman '32
Dwight Foster '32
Robert Frueh '32
Frances Gates '32
William Gerlach '32
Sarah Glass '32
Earl Hay '32
Dorothy Hobbs '32
Richard Holden '32
Evelyn Hume '32
Leonard Janes '32
Boyce Johnson '32
Catherine Johnson '32
Anthony Leto '32
William McDermott '32
Margaret Mundy '32
Barbara Nellis '32
Leo Nemiroff '32
Elizabeth Prather '32
Bartlett Robinson '32
Peter Robinson '32
Graham Scaife '32
Leopold Solomon '32
Ann Spencer '32
Bootsie Swift '32
Vera Volkenau '32
Harlan Washburn '32
Florence Werner '32
Louise Williams '32
Margaret Aymar '33
Rosalie Baury '33
Alison Bruere '33
Edith Brunson '33
Florence Carey '33
Janet Chaffee '33
Marjorie Clark '33
James Drake '33
Alfred Frueh Jr. '33
Mario Galassi '33
Frances Gebest '33
Christopher Gore Jr. '33
Patricia Greenman '33
Frederick Gregorius '33
Margaret Grimmer '33
Charles Hanan '33
Lincoln Hauser '33
Lamar Holt '33
David Howson '33
Georgiana Huck '33
Henry Hull '33
Winslow Ingham '33
Marcia Jewell '33
Putnam Lee '33
Sheila McGlashan '33
William Olpp '33
Helena Palmer '33
Anna Rabinoff '33
Virginia Rice '33
Martha Schumitz '33
Neilson Seabury '33
Vairien Semple '33
Ann Shay '33
Alfred Sheffield '33
Robert Sheppard '33
Samuel Slee '33
Peter Smith '33
Audrey Smyth '33
Lincoln Stivers '33
John Tiedman '33
Barbara Tripp '33
Albert Willis '33
Mulford Woodbridge '33
Edmone Ades '34
Mathilde Alexander '34
Frances Archibald '34
Anna Bissell '34
Elizabeth Brough '34
Royce Budge '34
Holley Jr. Cantine '34
Virgina Case '34
Margaret Chaffee '34
Helen Child '34
June Coe '34
Arnold Dickinson Jr. '34
Walter Fleisher '34
Ellen Frey '34
John Garretty '34
Alphonse Gauvreau '34
Katherine Gordon '34
Sherman Gottesman '34
Marjorie Guenther '34
Paul Henry '34
Anna Jones '34
Alice Kadetz '34
Francis Leney '34
Rosalie Levontritt '34
Lewis Lindemuth '34
Robert May '34
Ethel McGuire '34
Mary Monroe '34
Felecia Morrow '34
Edward Morton '34
Robertson Osborne '34
Virginia Osbourne '34
Fahrney Otto '34
Leavenworth Rosedale '34
Edward Rynas '34
Irma Schwartz '34
Elizabeth Shaumann '34
Carol Smadbeck '34
Frieda Stich '34
Estelle Werner '34
Donald Wilhelm '34
Marion Williams '34
Palmer Williams '34
Ruby Williams '34
Zenna Winslow '34
Jean Baker '35
Calvin Banning '35
Dorothy Beers '35
Richard Clark '35
Robert Coates '35
Herbert de Lima Jr. '35
Antoinette Dell'Osso '35
Luisa deMontalvo '35
Florence Dickinson '35
Spencer Dlugasch '35
William Douglas Jr. '35
Elizabeth Elser '35
Virginia Emerman '35
Marguerite Gebhardt '35
Paul Gekker '35
Allan Goodyer '35
Richard Gordon '35
Herman Gutjahr '35
Decatur Higgins '35
Russell Hill '35
Robert Hinshaw '35
Peter Hobbs '35
Thomas Humphreys '35
Cynthia Kilbourne '35
Elmer King '35
Bruce Learned '35
Damaris Lee '35
Byron Linville '35
Colin MacKenzie '35
Jeffrey Mapes '35
Nancy McAfee '35
Helen McDermott '35
Otho Monroe '35
Sarah Murphy '35
Miriam Panger '35
Hugh Robinson '35
Nicole Ross Goodlett '35
Sidney Ruppman '35
Peter Sheffield '35
Virginia Spear '35
Gordon Spencer '35
Ruth Stechmann '35
Rebekah Thomas '35
Albert Wellner '35
Carlos Williams '35
Georgia Wood '35
Harold Anderson Jr. '36
Jeannie Austin '36
Julia Beal - Todd '36
Barbara Benson '36
Richard Black '36
Mary Bolling '36
Peggy Bolster '36
Walter Bowie '36
Robert Cantine '36
Gertrude Cheyney '36
Ethel Clift '36
Robert Coale '36
John Cross '36
Virginia Cummings '36
David Cummins '36
Jere Davis '36
Henry Gauvreau '36
Arthur Gerson '36
Jackson Gilder '36
Joyce Harris '36
Virginia Henderson '36
Doris Herold '36
Mona Hewitt '36
Elizabeth Hubbell '36
William Hutchins '36
Stephanie Hutchinson '36
Carlyle Jones '36
Anne Kidder '36
Richard Kuehne '36
George Lamelle '36
Lawrence Leney '36
Thomas Longcope '36
Andrew Lotz '36
Angus Macdonald '36
Gloria Magness '36
Sarah May '36
Francis McGuinness '36
George Muren '36
Harriett Murphy '36
Chester Patton '36
William Percival '36
Margaret Phelps '36
Robert Phillips '36
Ruth Pigeon '36
Elizabeth Quinn '36
Elizabeth Ribbles '36
Malcolm Severance '36
Elizabeth Slee '36
Trent St. John '36
Nikola Stanoyevich '36
Robert Thompson '36
Langeland Van Cleef '36
Dellar Van Sand '36
Michael Wales '36
Blanche Whitney '36
Roger Wing '36
Victoria Wood '36
Charles Achmann '37
Peter Alfau '37
Janet Barclay Walling '37
Paul Blanshard '37
Mary Boyden '37
Jack Brandenburg '37
Georgiana Brock '37
Geoffrey Bruere '37
Golis Capp '37
Mellicent Clarke '37
Blanche Cook '37
Joseph Cummings '37
Thelma Deck '37
William Fox Jr. '37
Betty Frasier '37
Frederick Friedman '37
Audrie Gardham '37
Alfred Gerelli '37
Kay Gerlach '37
Marion Gerson '37
Eileen Goodyer '37
Katharine Hallett '37
Nova Hecht '37
Jane Hendrickson '37
Richard Heurtley '37
Anabel Hill '37
Helen Hitt '37
Dorothy Johnson '37
Roger Johnson '37
George Keller '37
Maria Kidder '37
Vinal King '37
Charles Lathrop '37
Alan Lawson '37
Mary Lindemuth '37
Elanor Livingston '37
Cluny Macpherson '37
Ann Marvel '37
Ellen Musselman '37
Emilio Nebel '37
Martha Nevin '37
Martha Newman '37
Rodman Nye '37
Alfred Owre '37
Jane Parker '37
Edward Parrish '37
Ethel Patrick '37
Richard Paul '37
William Penny '37
Barnet Phillips '37
Loring Pickering '37
Treva Poling '37
Richard Powell '37
Mary Lou Ream '37
Vittoria Salvatore '37
Claire Schwartz '37
Harry Shackelford '37
Karl Sharke '37
Harry Shaw '37
Richard Spoerer '37
Frances Stillman '37
William Taylor '37
Patricia Tooker '37
Caroline Tupper '37
Jane Van Tress '37
Frederick VanName Jr. '37
Barton Warren '37
Peter Warren '37
Alan Wetterau '37
Margaret Wierum '37
John Williams '37
Eileen Balfe '38
Katharine Bergner '38
June Booth '38
Martha Butler '38
Iris Cairone '38
Margaret Canby '38
Edward Chaffee '38
Manuel Cizek '38
Gloria Cooper '38
William Cosgrove '38
Deb Crossley Ward '38
Felicia Cunningham '38
Margaret Cunningham '38
Jac Cushman '38
Patrice Dally '38
Brooks Dibble '38
Russell Dibble '38
Ann Dickinson '38
Richard Dodge '38
Cynthia Duff '38
Peter Elser '38
Pauline Eurenjy '38
Bedelia Falls '38
Leonore Fingerhood '38
William Finnerty '38
Virginia Fish '38
Winifred Frances '38
Mollie Friedman '38
Martha Fulton '38
Christine Georgeson '38
Francine Georgeson '38
Nadine Georgeson '38
Frances Giden '38
Martha Gillis '38
Ralph Gordon '38
Hope Greer '38
Alfred Haas '38
Barbara Haviland '38
Elizabeth Holden '38
Arthur Huck '38
Joan Hull '38
Shelly Hull '38
John Hyland '38
Elizabeth Ingraham '38
John Keeler '38
Harry Keen '38
Evelyn Kelley '38
Edmond Kennedy '38
Harriet Lamborn '38
Bettina Lerfield '38
Jean Lyons '38
John McKay '38
Semyon Muldavin '38
William Myers '38
Ernestine Nichols '38
Juliet Otto '38
Jean Palmer '38
Robert Pickering '38
John Pickett '38
Johanna Raegner '38
Helen Rank '38
Gardner Richardson '38
Edgar Romig '38
Johnathan Rossiter '38
Nancy Sadler '38
Jeanne Shay '38
Mary Sheridan '38
Dwight Sloan '38
Marilyn Smith '38
Robert Stephenson '38
Diana Tagmose '38
Marian Thompson '38
George Thornton-Walker Jr. '38
Theodore Van Valkenburgh '38
Gordon Wagenet '38
Anne Warren '38
Antoinette Wheeler Nicholson '38
James Whipple '38
David Wing '38
Marcia Wolf '38
Margot Woods '38
Grosvenor Wright Jr. '38
George Young III '38
Robert Ahern '39
Dagmar Alfau '39
Frank Aschmann '39
Rufus Blanshard '39
Joan Blatner '39
Edith Bonneville '39
Alexander Brook '39
Sidney Carson '39
Geraldine Church '39
Harry Clancy '39
Robert Cohen '39
Dorothy Cushman '39
Marjorie DeForest '39
Chloe Denham '39
Dorothy Dickinson '39
Morris Dickinson '39
Nairne Duffus '39
Lloyd Eaton '39
Georgia Evalenko '39
Fanny Ferber '39
Pauline Fraser - Campbell '39
John Gosse '39
June Hall '39
Marshall Head '39
Edythe Henken '39
Jill Hibben '39
Lucy Hicks '39
Laurence Higgins '39
Matilda Horn '39
Jean Hulin '39
Elaine Jacoby '39
Barbara Jellinghaus '39
Clifford Jindrak '39
Audrey Jupp '39
Katherine Kadetz '39
Donald Kendall '39
James Kirkpatrick '39
William Koster '39
Constance Lawson '39
Betty Liddell '39
Mary Lloyd '39
Girard Jr. Lowrey '39
Louise Lutz '39
Sally Mandel '39
Joan Marcotte '39
Catherine Marshall '39
Rowena Matthews '39
Marian Maxwell '39
George McCabe '39
Frederick MCCandless '39
Rita McCarthy '39
Samuel McClure '39
Hunter McGuire '39
Betsy McIntosh '39
Joseph Mingioli '39
Charmian Montross '39
Betsy Morse '39
Lucie Morton '39
Lysbeth Musselman '39
William Nevin '39
Margaret Oltman '39
Elizabeth Paine '39
Laura Patton '39
Barbara Pearson '39
Nancy Perkins '39
Helen Phillips '39
Evelyn Platt '39
Yvonne Proctor '39
L. Ream '39
Elizabeth Richards '39
Maud Robbins '39
Olivia Russell '39
Elena Salvatore '39
Ashmead Scott '39
Carolyn Sellner '39
Phyllis Shields '39
J Smith '39
Velma Smith '39
Phyllis Spencer '39
John McL. Stevens '39
Helen Stonehill '39
David Strater '39
Agnes Strauss '39
Louis Treadwell Jr. '39
Virginia Truxton Beaver '39
Marguerite Wardlow '39
Hope Weil '39
Ann Welsh '39
Marianne Wheeler Nicholson '39
Bettie Willingale '39
Jean Zabriskie '39
Doric Alling '40
Irene Andoga '40
Rita Apfel '40
Bruce Benepe '40
Dorothy Bonaventure '40
Jeanne Bonneville '40
Albert Breitung '40
Dorothy Brunshaber '40
Dorothy Carman '40
Burnham Carter '40
Bradford Chambers '40
Janie Clark '40
Carol Comfort '40
Robert Cushman '40
Harriet Devoe '40
John Duff Jr. '40
David Gale '40
Irene Gallo '40
Eleanor Gordon '40
Edward Greeman '40
Doris Greenway '40
Edith Hastings '40
Phyllis Henderson '40
Louise Hurd '40
Priscilla Ireland '40
Butler Jellinghaus '40
George Lambertson '40
Louis Lamotte '40
Camille Lemercier '40
Bill Lieberman '40
Harman Livingston '40
Jeanne Marquiss '40
Barbara Marshat '40
Herbert Marston '40
Barbara Matthews '40
Daniel Mayers '40
Merrill McClure '40
Sally McLain '40
Vivian Megirian '40
Mary Meissel '40
Janet Mevi '40
William Murray '40
Helena Palmer '40
Kenneth Peppe '40
Oliver Reagan '40
Richard Robertiello '40
Frederick Roberts '40
Cornelia Rogers - Trowbridge '40
Jane Seybold '40
Alan Shaw '40
Christopher Sherman '40
Richard Sinclair '40
Jean Smith '40
Caroline Speer '40
Nancy Staples '40
Howard Sterling '40
Betsy McL. Stevens '40
Gloria Stone '40
Grace Stump '40
Marcia Tooker '40
Nancy Waggoner '40
Faith Weil '40
Dorothy Welch '40
Joan Wengler '40
William Wheeler Beard '40
John Whitfield '40
Clara Wiesmann '40
Barbara Young '40
Judith Zierler '40
Millicent Aiken '41
Bryant Auerbach '41
John Balderston '41
William Bowman '41
Donald Braider '41
Harriett Brunscheen '41
Martin Cantine '41
Jean Carson '41
Ruth Carson '41
Susan Chaplin '41
Charlotte Cimino '41
Yeaton Clifton '41
Jean Clymer '41
Patricia Crosby '41
Ormonde DeKay Jr. '41
Marjorie Duffus '41
Ben Ettelson '41
Donnis Fernandez '41
Glenn Fowler '41
Robert Frazier Jr. '41
Barbara Hale '41
Matthew Hanrahan '41
Douglas Harrington '41
William Hartman '41
Priscilla Hitt '41
Samuel Holmes '41
Arthur Howard '41
Joseph Hughes '41
Dilya Jones '41
Amy Kidder '41
Jellinghaus Knaur '41
Ruth Levinson '41
Harriet Livingston Delafield '41
Mary-Lou Lowman '41
Joan Lund '41
Katherine MacDill '41
William Macfarlane '41
John MacMullen '41
Betty Mathes '41
Judith Matthews '41
David MCCandless '41
Roger McCollester '41
Marilyn Menken '41
Nora Middleton '41
Edward Murray '41
Lucia Nebel '41
Donald Newton '41
Tony Petrina '41
Jon Postley '41
Peter Rickett '41
Victor Robinson '41
Mary Rodgers '41
Victor Salvatore '41
Mary Seymour '41
Doris Sherman '41
Burke Shipley '41
Thomas Shipley '41
Martin Singer '41
Roger Small '41
Barbara Smith '41
Jacqueline Steiner '41
William Stevens '41
Peter Stevenson '41
Cynthia Stewart '41
Shirley Sykes '41
Joan Symons '41
Richard Thierry '41
Clair Thorner '41
Constance Van Duinen '41
Theodore Von Rooyen Wagenaar '41
Margaret Wagenet '41
David Wardell '41
John Welsh '41
Jean Whitney '41
Henry Whittier '41
Dorothea Adler '42
Shana Ager '42
Mencia Alfau '42
Anita Arrow Summers '42
Mary Barr '42
Nancy Brenneman '42
Parker Brewer '42
Irma Brown '42
Rowland Brown '42
Joan Buehr '42
Hope Chipman '42
Milton Cohen '42
Charles Cole '42
Jean Colman '42
James Crane '42
Mary Dennis '42
Wesley Dynes '42
William Elliott '42
William Farnsworth '42
Julia Ferber '42
Joan Ganesberg '42
Victoria Garbutt '42
Stephanie Hafner '42
Edwin Heminway '42
Mary Hewitt '42
Mary-Dean Hilliker '42
Deborah Hutchinson '42
James Jones '42
Peter Kaufman '42
Charles Keck '42
James Keck '42
Dudley Kenyon '42
Thomas Kirkpatrick '42
William Kisich '42
Haden Lewis '42
Thomas Lund '42
Gladys MacDald '42
Janet Mann '42
Lawrence Marcus '42
Charlotte Marshat '42
Melina Martino '42
Myra-Lee May '42
Duncan McCollester '42
Ruth McCutcheon '42
Charles McLester '42
Sonya Miller '42
Sally Morrison '42
Margery Muir '42
Guy Muldavin '42
Ann Murkland '42
George Ossman '42
Ann Palmer '42
Lucy Parry '42
Stephen Pascal '42
Janet Peters '42
Mary Peters '42
David Phillips '42
David Piel '42
Gifford Priessman '42
Aubrey Romine '42
Robert Rouse '42
Paul Scarff '42
James Schenkel '42
Gayle Schwinn '42
Jonathan Seymour '42
Frederick Sharke '42
James Shearer '42
Thomas Sheridan '42
Enid Sorg '42
Annette Tenchini '42
Albert Tilney II '42
Donald Tippett '42
Shirley-Ann Towner '42
Lucy Vaughan '42
Helen Warren '42
Molly Warren '42
Jack Waterhouse '42
Dorothy Wolff '42
Robert Alton Jr. '43
Gerald Atterbury '43
Gloria Berkeley '43
David Bird '43
Joan Boggiano '43
Cameron Boyd '43
Ian Braley '43
Peter Breitung '43
Davidson Brill '43
Deon Brinckerhoff '43
Schuyler Burton '43
Robert Carson '43
John Church '43
Barbara Cobb '43
Joan Cramer '43
Goetz Daniels Jr. '43
George DeKay '43
Dona Ely '43
Gwendolen Emery '43
John Farnham Jr. '43
Carroll Fletcher '43
Mary Gerstenberg '43
William Gouert '43
Nancy Graff '43
Grace Greer '43
Norton Gretzler '43
Alfred Hadinger '43
Harold Hall '43
David Hamerman '43
Louise Hannum '43
Edward Hewitt '43
Richard Holden '43
Helen Imlay '43
Louise Karraker '43
Lois Khodakoff '43
Patricia Kirkland '43
Barbara Kruger '43
Jeanette LeMaster '43
Aimee Lemercier '43
Archibald Little '43
John Lowman '43
Alison Lurie '43
Tom Lyne '43
John MacLean '43
Jeptha Madison '43
Celeste Martin '43
Virginia Mathews '43
Frank McGowan '43
David Megirian '43
Robert Neely '43
Mary Newton '43
Gilder Palmer '43
Guido Jr. Pantaleoni '43
Agnes Pattison '43
Spencer Phillips '43
Fleur Ponder '43
Ross Rachel '43
Joan Ray '43
Marylyn Reed '43
Clifford Ridley '43
James Rodgers '43
Mary Ann Rogers '43
Ruth Sheirr '43
Frederick Shelton Farr '43
Claire Sheridan '43
Arthur Smith '43
Philip Smith '43
David Sorenson '43
Barbara Sykes '43
Holmes Taylor '43
Betty Waterhouse '43
Mary Webb '43
Emily Williams '43
David Ballantine '44
John Bartmeier '44
Warren Batell '44
Margaret Bliss '44
York Breitung '44
Alan Broder '44
Nikita Brodovitch '44
David Bryant '44
Jean Carse '44
Joan Crawley '44
John Cray '44
Thomas Jr. Cunningham '44
Donald DeForest '44
Angus Deming '44
Sherrill Digges '44
Priscilla Duer '44
Brock Ely '44
Peter Embree '44
David Etzold '44
Nancy Farr '44
Betty Fernandez '44
Sylvia Fessler '44
William Giles '44
Richard Hanrahan '44
Janet Harrison '44
David Heminway '44
Patricia Horn '44
Griselda Jackson '44
Theodore Jarvis '44
Frances Jeffery '44
Adrian Johns '44
Lucy-Ann Johnson '44
Beatrice Jones '44
Marianne Kaskel '44
Jane-Alden Kenyon '44
Curtiss Kinney '44
Judith Lambert '44
Thomas Lavell '44
Jacqueline Leacroft '44
Josiah Jr. LeMaster '44
Caroline Marks '44
Christopher Matson '44
Elise Mcully '44
Martha Meeker '44
Brinton Miller '44
Esther Moore '44
Nina Mori '44
Madge Muckenhaupt '44
Nancy Neslage '44
Oliver Neslage '44
Van Owen '44
David Parry '44
Frederick Peyser '44
Gwynne Purves '44
Mary Restrepo '44
Marilen Reynolds '44
Richard Ridgway '44
Peter Rigney '44
David Romig '44
Gratia Rypins '44
Charlotte Shirley '44
Robert Snowday '44
Virginia Summerlin '44
Alanson Towne '44
David Towner '44
Virginia Tribbey '44
Hugh Ungerleider '44
Barbara Van Swearingen '44
Joanna Vischer '44
Chapin Warner '44
Mary Woodbridge '44
Carol Astor '45
Fowler Becker '45
Anne Birdsall '45
Sheila Bryant '45
Cynthia Buehr '45
Helene Burden '45
Josephine Chaplin '45
Gordon Cooke '45
Julien Eysmans '45
Jay Gaiser '45
Kathryn Gates '45
Gabrielle Goldschmidt '45
Sallie Hall-Van Dyck '45
David Hayter '45
Joan Jaffer '45
Helen Kross '45
Gail Lee '45
Bradley Lynch '45
James Maneck '45
John Mathews '45
Robert Megirian '45
Gabriel Miller '45
Peter Moore '45
Peter Morgan '45
Rowland Muller '45
Anita Nerman '45
Jane Nettleton Forcythe '45
Esther Nichols '45
Faris Nourse '45
Anne Ossman '45
Gordon Parker '45
Richard Pell '45
Arle Perry '45
Kenneth Phillips '45
James Playter '45
Joan Purves '45
Henry Richardson '45
Arthur Roegner '45
Kathleen Salter '45
Glenn Shively '45
Pamela Simons '45
Daisy Stieber '45
Patricia Taylor '45
John Vance Jr. '45
Adimarie Von Hausberger '45
Allen Walker '45
Jerry Warren '45
Doris Weinstock '45
Dale Wheat '45
Joyce Whiting '45
Robert Young Dresser '45
Alice Abbott '46
Laurel Ager '46
Albert Amon '46
Aline Amon '46
Gerard Bloch '46
Julia Boling '46
Roberta Booth '46
Russell Brenneman '46
Joy Buell '46
Lestra Carpe '46
Nancy Carson '46
Anthony Crane '46
Rose Cumino '46
Timothy Fiske '46
Robert Garner '46
Ghislaine Gindorff '46
Tom Guglielmo '46
Edward Hale '46
Suzanne Hendrian '46
William Hillman '46
Girard Jacobi '46
Judith Jarvis '46
Walter Jones '46
Alice Kross '46
Barbara LaBarre '46
Knute Lee '46
Edward LeMaster '46
Donald Long '46
Eunice Luccock '46
Helen Norcross '46
Anne Norton '46
Elizabeth Nunn '46
Frank Otway '46
Josephine Palmer '46
Nina Pantaleoni '46
Pamela Payne '46
Albert Petschek '46
Robert Potter '46
Harold Powers '46
Mary Propper '46
Aletha Rickenberg '46
William Sayre '46
Rebecca Sinclair-Timbres '46
Francis Steiner '46
Michael Sterner '46
Peter Stettenheim '46
John Stevenson '46
Harry Tait '46
Frances Wade '46
Zoe Warren '46
Phyllis Weissinger '46
Mary Whitney '46
Alayne Yates '46
Joycelin Zilmer '46
Elizabeth Armstrong '47
Virginia Barnet '47
David Beecher '47
Leonard Beecher '47
Janet Bertram '47
Peter Blos Jr. '47
Ray Brown '47
Janneke Burhams '47
Jean Campbell '47
Mary Carpe '47
Virginia Carruthers '47
Edward Jr. Coffey '47
Stephen Constantine '47
Thomas Cray '47
Charles de Rham '47
Christopher Dock '47
Julia Ebel '47
Inga Elliott '47
Robert Felter '47
Thelma Fuchs '47
Beverly Gary '47
Josephine Grossman '47
Joan Hosking '47
Edward Hudson '47
Teresa Hurd '47
Nancy-Vivian Imbrici '47
Lucy Kang '47
Suzanne Kiraly '47
John Kolbe '47
Susan Kunstadter '47
Frank Laskowski '47
Sarah Lawler '47
David Lawrence '47
Suzanne Lewis '47
Emma Luccock '47
Peter Mack '47
Frances Maynor '47
Cynthia McEvoy '47
John McGwire '47
Nancy Arden Mills '47
Geroge Noering '47
Henry Raleigh '47
Nathaniel Richardson '47
Cornelia Schaeffer '47
Carel Schilthuis '47
Joan Siering '47
Caren Stonehill '47
Elizabeth Szukalska '47
Alfred Thomas '47
Elizabeth Tillett '47
Carlos Villavilla '47
Ernest Von Nardroff '47
Virginia Walker '47
Donald Watson '47
Louise Wortman '47
Herrick Young '47
Phoebe Askew '48
James Bellah '48
Joan Birdsall '48
Janine Bloch '48
Derek Bok '48
Alfred Brainard Jr. '48
Lauren Brown '48
Nancy Brown '48
Anne Burkholder '48
Charles Burnett '48
Phyllis Campbell '48
Elizabeth Castle Wolfe '48
Donna Christman '48
Ellen Collada '48
Mary Craig - Usina '48
Peter Crowell '48
Roger Culberton '48
Mary Davis '48
Elizabeth Deanesly '48
Paul DuBois '48
Betty Edwards '48
Adelaide Eicks '48
Thomas Eysmans '48
Charles Ferguson '48
Maria Finn '48
Richard Fjeld '48
Douglas Freelander '48
Paul Gamble Jr. '48
Joan Garner '48
Judith Graves '48
Philip Hayes '48
John Herzog '48
George Howard '48
Laura-Jane Kaplan '48
Prudence Koehler '48
Malcolm La Prade '48
James MacLain '48
Michel Mok '48
Ellen Molwitz '48
Katherine Mooney '48
Richard Morris '48
William Neal '48
Ingrid Nelson '48
Arthur Norcross '48
Velma O'Brien '48
Ellen O'Meara '48
Peter Pascal '48
Harry Petschek '48
Peter Pieper '48
Charlotte Polowy '48
Oliver Purves '48
Constance Richards '48
Milton Rogers '48
Karl Saalburg '48
Hermon Sahatdjian '48
Cicely Shellhase '48
Charles Shuttleworth '48
Anne Sullivan '48
Walfredo Toscanini '48
Robin Wetterau '48
Joel White '48
Harry Whitney Jr. '48
Elaine Woolworth '48
Carroll Worrall '48
Mary Zuckerman '48
Paul Zwaska '48
Lorenzo Bianco '49
Doris Bonito '49
Constance Bowdoin '49
Richard Bradford '49
Barbara Brown '49
Edwin Burkholder '49
Margaret Campbell '49
Robert Caparell '49
John Carter '49
Martha Crampton '49
Richard Crampton '49
Joan Creigton '49
Douglas Cullison '49
Joan Dexter '49
David Ellis '49
Mary Gamble '49
Edward Gehlbach '49
Ann Greer '49
LeRoy Harvey '49
Jocelyn Hazard '49
Florence Herd-Smith '49
Frederica Higginson '49
Elanor Hopkirk '49
John Humphries '49
Michael Jaffer '49
Erickson Johnstone '49
Jacqueline Leve '49
Deborah Logan '49
Mary Luse '49
Rocky Martino '49
Douglas Morgan '49
Katharine Munzer '49
Paula Newton '49
Lorraine Nichols '49
Wolfe O'Meara '49
Stephen Paine '49
Marguerita Plate '49
Joan Rappoport '49
Lou Restrepo '49
Mary-Madeleine Riddle '49
Leonard Smissaert '49
Judith Stettenheim '49
Elizabeth Suckow '49
Waldo Van Valkenburgh Jr. '49
Alexander Williams '49
Virginia Winfield Williams '49
Mitchell Winn '49
Halle Wise '49
Michael Zuckerman '49
Fabian Acker '50
Althea Anheuser '50
Niels Back '50
Judith Beaton '50
Eric Bercovici '50
Peter Brogren '50
Francesco Cantarella '50
Joan Cantwell '50
Bruce Carruthers '50
Peter Carter '50
Nicholas Childs '50
Elias Jr. Codding '50
Jay Cox '50
Henry Curran '50
Richard Ellis '50
Joan Fertig '50
Lila Field '50
Barbara Frank '50
Anne Garfunkel '50
Marjorie Garfunkel '50
Peter Gillette '50
Michael Girsdansky '50
Kate Gregg '50
Carlos Grossman '50
Elizabeth Holmes '50
Susan Homans '50
Ela Kyle '50
Arless Leve '50
Barbara Lindemann '50
Michael Macready '50
Harry Mahoney '50
Priscilla Perry '50
David Powell '50
Julien Powers '50
Mary Prinz '50
Lane Prutzman '50
Jonathan Pulsifer '50
Betsy Rapp '50
Sarah Robinson '50
Teddy Robinson '50
Pamela Rossbach '50
Nora Sayre '50
Miriam Schapiro '50
Carl Scovel '50
Diana Seymour '50
Malcolm Smith '50
Joan Stewart '50
Anne Thorne '50
Dorothea Touraine '50
Joyce Volkening '50
William Wagman '50
Edward Weadock Jr. '50
Margaret Wetmore '50
Wilson Wright '50
Nicholas Wright Gillham '50
Susannah Brown '51
Patricia Bryson '51
Lauri Buhrer '51
Penelope Carr '51
Russell Chase '51
Raymond Chen '51
Nancy Churchill '51
Patrick Colt '51
June Comollo '51
Diane Daniels '51
Jane Davidson '51
Edith de Rham '51
James Dewson III '51
James Edwards '51
Anne Fertig '51
Robert Frick '51
Ronald Halperin '51
Rory Harrity '51
Sonya Hurt '51
Mary Kent '51
Janet Markow '51
Anna Matson '51
Pieter Mayer '51
Cecile Pepper '51
Evan Powell '51
Janet Powell '51
Westell Rhodes '51
George Ruse '51
Anne Scovel '51
Arlyn Shuey Firkins '51
Kerry Smith '51
Grace Tang '51
Anne Walline '51
Roberta Wells '51
James Wheaton '51
Charles Whitney '51
Barbara Willis Foust '51
Isabel Worrall '51
Alexandra Abramson '52
Anne Beardsley '52
Margaret Bermingham '52
Joseph Brenner '52
Jay Burman '52
William Chapman '52
Elizabeth Coale '52
Elizabeth Collins '52
Elizabeth Collins Early '52
Ronald Conte '52
Carol Dale '52
Christian de la Roche '52
Michael Hamalak '52
Lisa Hamilton '52
Edmund Harvey '52
Tom Herzog '52
Diana Hill '52
Laura Hitt '52
Cicely Holbrook '52
Catherine Hussey '52
Anne Irish Edwards '52
Kim Kirchwey '52
Joyce Lilly '52
Jennifer Linton '52
Lois Logan '52
Marcia Macready '52
Peter Matson '52
Nancy Maze '52
Carol Morrell '52
Keith Mottahedah '52
Peter New '52
Arthur Palmer '52
Anna Peirce '52
Virginia Powell '52
Judith Preston '52
David Pulsifer '52
Patricia Rowe '52
Louise Sackett '52
Philip Schuyler '52
Joan Shuey Firkins '52
Elizabeth Shulman '52
Hugh Smith '52
Jon Utley '52
Phillip Allfrey '53
McLane Brocklebank '53
Sheila Brown '53
Nora Caroe '53
Stewart Chaplin '53
Lukie Chapman '53
Deborah Coles '53
Carol Corby '53
Margaret Deanesly '53
Dagmar Fuson '53
Deborah Harbach '53
Jenny Hauck '53
Diantha Haviland '53
Margaret High '53
Lawrence Holcomb '53
Martin Horwood '53
Edith Hunter '53
Roxane Kelley '53
Michael Kennedy '53
Patricia Kennedy '53
Emily Lynch '53
Rebecca Marsh '53
Mary Marshat '53
Warren Miller '53
Lewis Nichols '53
Angela Penson '53
Nancy Pickhardt '53
Albert Pittman '53
Stephen Riddle '53
Tamar Samuelson '53
Martha Saxton '53
Richard Tanzer '53
Mary Ann Walker '53
Joosje Wethly '53
Jennie Back '54
Joseph Balzarini '54
Michel Bourgeois '54
Betsy Cantwell '54
Alfred Chapman '54
Lea Chase '54
Sarah Cooke '54
John Desmond '54
Fleury Elting '54
Carol Falk '54
Antonia Gerald '54
James Goodman '54
Cameron Hatfield '54
Marcia Hawley '54
Mark Hawthorne '54
Muriel Kaiser '54
Brent Malcolm '54
Barton Marshat '54
Edwin Moss Williams Jr. '54
John Peale '54
Richard Roberts '54
William Rogers '54
Amy Stuart Weadock '54
Patricia Sugrue '54
Gail Vose '54
Judith Walker '54
James Walker II '54
Victoria Benedict '55
Ellen Bordages '55
Stephen Conley '55
Philippe Coupey '55
Susan Diamond '55
Theodore Edlich III '55
Gail Field '55
Peter Fox Axelrod '55
Elizabeth Frere '55
Edward Gilliam '55
Mallory Hicks '55
Maria Huelin '55
Joan Jeanneney '55
Adrian Jenkins '55
Richard Jordan '55
Robin Kirkland '55
Frances Lamb '55
Christopher Leighton '55
Jerold Lindquist '55
Penelope Logan '55
Buffum Lovell '55
Donald MacLeod '55
Gordon Martin '55
Raymond Matteson '55
Gwendolyn Mitchell '55
Edward Morrow '55
Gerrit Parker '55
Paul Pelon '55
Martin Reed '55
Nell Roeder '55
Meta Schmidt '55
Mallory Schubart '55
Helen Seebach '55
Liane Stevens '55
Kenneth Thompson '55
Michel Valeur '55
Neil Van Laer '55
Sonia Willcox '55
Virginia Worthington '55
Ylona Aron '56
Linda Austin '56
Stephanie Bartlett '56
Susan Breed '56
Sandra Clyman '56
Angela Conway '56
Ward Dennis '56
Susan Fertig '56
Toby Frere '56
Harding Ganz '56
Joanne Jacobson '56
Lynn Kende '56
Charles Kyle '56
Dana Lamb '56
Mary Meacham '56
Frederick Muehleck '56
Elanor Noss '56
Frederick Oertly '56
Peter Parker '56
Barbara Perrow '56
Paul Riesman '56
Harry Robinson '56
Ann Sloane '56
Michael Stevens '56
Pauline Webb '56
Rauel Wilson '56
Rogers Bond '57
Peter Brodie '57
John Brough '57
Mary Dechert '57
Ellen Deegan '57
Stephen Dexter '57
Mary Donovan '57
Jane Impastato '57
Albert Jacobs '57
Elise Kauffman '57
Robert Krosner '57
Jane Mansbridge '57
Angela Martinez '57
Susan McKenzie '57
Robert McMullin '57
William Meacham '57
Peter Miller '57
John Morris '57
Patricia Pilling '57
David Scheffer '57
Diane Sheffield '57
Patricia Trenor '57
Linda Young '57
Anthony Austin '58
Barbara Beach '58
Edwina Bonavia '58
Andra Bullard '58
Christine Dickinson '58
Christine Dixon '58
John Field '58
Donald Gary '58
John Gerald '58
Priscilla Kasden '58
Caroline Lamb '58
Roger Luedemann '58
David Moser '58
Ned Moser '58
Cullen Reese '58
Willard Rice '58
Anne Robinson '58
William Silberman '58
Elizabeth Silverman '58
Anne Stambaugh '58
Ann Stambo '58
Charles Steger '58
Margaret Van Volkenburg '58
Sarah Winkley '58
Joan Arnold '59
Jane Austin '59
Ann Bayer '59
Edith Clifford '59
Cricket Cornell '59
Margaret Cornell '59
Iwabuchi Hiroko '59
Lawrence Hunt '59
Peter Laqueur '59
David Leonard '59
Janet McVeigh '59
Barbara Morgan '59
Mark Morris '59
Ann Sammis '59
Helen Southwell '59
Margaret Worthington '59
Helen Haggart '60
William Jarema '60
Peter Kortum '60
Harold Lefcourt '60
Cynthia Locke '60
Meredith McKenzie '60
Judith McVeigh '60
George Randall '60
Martha Reed '60
Karen Regan '60
Diana Rodgers '60
Victor Ross '60
Jean Wilson '60
James Brownell '61
Tom Conley '61
Joel Deegan '61
David Garretson '61
Evalyn Higginbottom '61
Robert Kapell '61
Vincent Kruskal '61
Sarah-Jane Kyle '61
Cinda Lyford '61
Diane Moser '61
George Mottur '61
Lorenz O'Keefe '61
Alexander Platt '61
Candace Powers '61
Marc Rothenberg '61
Johnathan Rudey '61
Victoria Southwell '61
Juliana Tandler '61
Nancy Walcott '61
Jonathan Warner '61
Carol Weida '61
Anne Williams '61
Thomas Bowman '62
Janet Case '62
Deborah Garretson '62
Jeremiah Hall '62
Annie Harris '62
Frank Irsch '62
Lynne Leisinger '62
Alice Rubenstein '62
Lisa Stoyanoff '62
Shepperd Strudwick '62
Robert Winston '62
Eleanor Crowley '63
Susanna Cuyler '63
Nelson Foss '63
Janet Holmes '63
Leslie Kilham '63
William Leidesdorf '63
W. Lenfestey '63
Donna Lynn '63
Forbes Morgan '63
Ursula Pace '63
Joan Peper '63
Abby Peskin '63
Margaret Powell '63
Nan Preschel '63
Charles Reese '63
Peter Richards '63
Frederick Sander '63
Linda Stone '63
Albert Bigelow II '64
William Brackett '64
Irene Chang '64
Christopher Chapman '64
Janice Crismara '64
Michael Crosby '64
Mary Foss '64
Jane Gelfand '64
Robert Guedenet '64
Julie Houser '64
Judith Hudson '64
Erin Jurow '64
Jacqueline Lea '64
Neil Masters '64
Philip Mendlow '64
Katharine Merlin '64
Pamela Parker '64
John Thurston '64
Susan Vasey '64
Richard Bard '65
Thomas Burton '65
Stephanie Chamberlin '65
Frank Fetter '65
Jonathan Frank '65
Sarah Henderson '65
Ann Jefferson -Thomson '65
Stephen Kende '65
Timothy Kilham '65
John Kirkwood '65
Pamela Kurtz '65
William Lanigan '65
John McVeigh '65
Shelley Miller '65
Constance Nickel '65
James Pollock '65
Hilda Reagan '65
Raymond Reisner '65
Susan Sackett '65
Melissa Scott '65
Toni Slotkin '65
William Sweeney IV '65
Donald Tartt Bell '65
Nancy Wallace '65
Suzanne Demo '66
Melinda Frame '66
Robert Lovell '66
Christopher Nagy '66
Marjorie Saypol '66
Eileen Stephens Wilson '66
Roy Clauss '67
Lisa Dowdney '67
Kim Hamilton '67
Nina Hart '67
Anne Kirkwood '67
Holly Magill '67
Carolyn Rehm '67
Harinder Sethi '67
Timothy Tartt Bell '67
John Wyland '67
Susan Anderson '68
Linda Constantini '68
Michael Emory '68
Ruth Foster '68
Constance Jordan '68
Donna Jordan '68
Franklin Miller '68
Bruce Morrison '68
Linda Munn '68
Robert Nielsen '68
Christopher Racies '68
Karen Sheer '68
Frances Braine '69
Lucinda Brodkin '69
Robert Brown '69
Kathleen Chase '69
Deborah Dowdney '69
Samuel Edelman '69
Kim Ellis '69
Scott Ericson '69
Ann Fay '69
Mark Fishman '69
Jonathan Gross '69
Katherine Hahn '69
Deidre Jackson '69
Patrick Johnson '69
Daphne Kent '69
Janet Roen '69
Laura Scheuer '69
Homer Smith '69
Carolyn Smithe '69
Harold Stevens '69
Geraldine Tobin '69
Henry Wangeman '69
David Wilson '69
Lynn Zeiger '69
Thomas Adagala '70
Glen Birckman '70
Jonathan Blum '70
Richard Bourges '70
Karen Cevasco '70
Duncan Christy '70
Eliot Clauss '70
Gregory Coverdale '70
Lissa Douglass '70
Janeen Jamison '70
Sarah Leslie '70
Robert Luttrell '70
Lance Moreland '70
Sara Moulton '70
David Russell '70
Cary Sackett '70
Amity Van Doren '70
Murray Van Dyke '70
Carl Von Mehren '70
Carolyn Vreeland '70
Elin Wackernagel '70
Diane Beaucage '71
Bridget Beresford '71
Kelly Bradford '71
David Coury '71
Gordon Dowling '71
Sally Edelman '71
Gordon Edwards '71
Sean Emmett '71
Barbara Fisher '71
Samson Gruber '71
Talara Hoss '71
Elizabeth Jenkins '71
Denise Jillions '71
Katherine Johns '71
Donna Leibowitz '71
David Levner '71
Jonathan Loft '71
Pamela McKee '71
Stephen Nelson '71
Titus Parker '71
Phunthip Patanasinth '71
John Jr. Place '71
Dale Schroedel '71
Linda Sheer '71
Mark Speaker '71
Sarah Stringfellow '71
Lauren Ashley '72
Nearline Bertin '72
Peter Bradford '72
Matthew Cohen '72
Ronald Corinaldi '72
Antonia Edelman '72
Jay Fishman '72
Beckwith Fleming Jr. '72
Elizabeth Gissen '72
Daniel Goldberg '72
Michael Joseph '72
Judith Leider '72
John Mankiewics '72
Kim Milligan '72
Sara Minskoff '72
John Ridgway '72
Frederick Scholem '72
Karen Schwefel '72
Laura Schwimmer '72
Nancy-Ann St. John '72
Susan Stringfellow '72
Christine Tailer '72
Douglas Vreeland '72
Garth Wade '72
Gayle West '72
Gayle West '72
Arthur Wiesenberger '72
Pamela Wilson '72
Kirk Winslow '72
Leslie Abraham '73
John Baptist '73
Daniel Becker '73
Polly Beere '73
Renate Belck '73
John Biderman '73
Suzanne Black '73
Timothy Blum '73
Linda Borsky '73
Richard Bradford '73
Anne Broadus '73
Charlyn Casey '73
Amanda Chamberlin '73
Robert Jr. Collier '73
Daphne Cook '73
Tabitha Cook '73
Eugenie Davis '73
Stephen Dickey '73
Julie Edwards '73
H. Renate Elatab '73
Kate Ericson '73
Amy Friedman '73
David Localio '73
Scott Nicholas '73
Eric Schmidt '73
Russell Shaw '73
Sarah Stevens '73
Hale Walsh '73
Julia Willis '73
Cathrine Wolf '73
Gerard Abbott '74
Louise Bachelder '74
John Bourges '74
Katherine Brown '74
Paul Brown '74
Nicholas Jr. Christy '74
Zachary Davis '74
Faith Dennis '74
Daniel Ducovny '74
Jonathan Duffy '74
Roberta Frost '74
Kimi Gay '74
Susan Guarino '74
Melissa Gussow '74
Jerard Heller '74
Kay Hoffman '74
Daniel Jacob '74
Norman Joio '74
Eric Linton '74
Alexander MacDonald '74
Lucinda McHarry '74
Thomas Morley '74
James Moss '74
Leslie O'Kane '74
Christophe O'Neill '74
Lester O'Riley '74
Carol Poster '74
Jill Ridgway '74
Susan Rowe '74
Mark Russell '74
Brian Shaw '74
Margot Simmons '74
Linda Smithe '74
Jonathan Speaker '74
Randall Sprung '74
James Torrado '74
Patricia Vreeland '74
James Wing Jr. '74
Miriam Aleman '75
Susan Becker '75
Sigrid Belck '75
Margaret Broadus '75
Leslie Brown '75
Mark de Paola '75
Katherine Dean '75
Peter Donald '75
Richard Durham '75
Kurt Getzfeld '75
Thomas Gissen '75
Beth Goldberg '75
Steven Greenbaum '75
Sharon Haviv '75
Theodore Kalem '75
Jennie Keane '75
Margaret Laffosse '75
Bertram Lippincott '75
Lisa Millerand '75
Robert Mohr '75
Melville Mummert '75
Joan Napoleon '75
Michele Pelton '75
Cassandra Rampaul-Green '75
Edward Sinn '75
Peter Vanamee '75
Liza Wollman '75
Victoria Adams '76
Daniel Belmont '76
Nicholas Boxer '76
Howard Bromberg '76
Ethan Carr '76
Carol Chill '76
Lisa Clark '76
Jennifer Cole '76
Alessia de Paola '76
Karen Doig '76
David Edelman '76
Heather Ford '76
Daniel Goldman '76
Suzanne Green '76
Nicholas Heller '76
David Herbster '76
Christopher Imerti '76
Martha John '76
Van Don Jordan '76
Lisa Kalfus '76
Ned Low '76
Spencer Mason '76
Willard Moore '76
Gee Mn Ng '76
Madeline Sorel '76
Michael Stone '76
Kathryn Untermeyer '76
Matthew Walden '76
Laurie Weiner '76
Peter Wemple '76
William Yalowitz '76
Robert Zucker '76
Daniel Bragdon '77
Jill Cannon '77
Cameron Crawford '77
Kristan Dale '77
Pamela De Vito '77
Elisa Del Gado '77
Natalie Elman '77
Diane Eskenazi '77
Christopher Flanagan '77
Nancy Frye '77
Steven Gabriel '77
Andrew Getzfeld '77
Tracy Gill '77
Bruce Gorry '77
Benjamin Grossman '77
David Hodges '77
Christopher Jones '77
Katherine Keene '77
Marian Landa '77
Peter Landeck '77
Charles Louria '77
Marie Mastrovito '77
Tracy McKee '77
John Melligon '77
John Murdock '77
Mark Perkiss '77
Abigail Ross '77
David Rowen '77
Dillon Scott '77
William Tham '77
Peter Toren '77
Yuek Wong '77
Susan Bragdon '78
Jessica Brody '78
Jane Clauss '78
Mary Doyle '78
Jane Engelhardt '78
Judy Filerman '78
Beth Flanagan '78
Janet Freedman '78
James Gambrell IV '78
Catherine Gorlin '78
David Gottlieb '78
Kali Grosvenor '78
Daniel Isaacs '78
Bruchillica Jones '78
Dana Kaplan '78
Bertam Katz '78
Matthea Keane '78
Phillipe LaPrelle '78
Joanne Low '78
Melissa Lukin '78
Jami Morse '78
Orit Nachman '78
Maribell Ramos '78
Marina Rubinovich '78
Leila Saidenberg '78
Richard Shaw '78
Maya Sonenberg '78
Linda Tishman '78
Mark Weinles '78
George White '78
Colin Wightman '78
Nona Wilford '78
Dana Wyckoff '78
Steven Yalowitz '78
Thomas Barbash '79
Adrienne Bortree '79
Sarah Brecht '79
Megan Breuning '79
Leslie Brody '79
Ayo deNegri Uku '79
Sabrina DuBois '79
Anne Duffy '79
Marcia Ferguson '79
Rebecca Gahan '79
Clifford Gerstman '79
Deborah Glasserman '79
Michael Herbster '79
Victoria Hunter '79
Ina Jacobs '79
Julie Jorrie '79
Mathew Kasha '79
Kathleen Kellenbeck '79
Stephanie King '79
Kirsty Knul '79
Tony Kono '79
Felice Lopez '79
Timo Malmi '79
Melissa Marcus '79
Onzelo Markum '79
Gregory Moore '79
Shawn Nelson '79
Katherine Neuman '79
Ilene Ng '79
Anthony Papp '79
Richard Pease '79
Michael Perlmutter '79
John Rafter '79
Dovina Rompollo '79
Paula Sack '79
Myles Samotin '79
William Sanders '79
Elizabeth Scott '79
Theodore Shulman '79
Meredith Soloff '79
Smitty Spear '79
Michael Stearn '79
Thomas Stern '79
Laurie Stricks '79
Timothy Trewhella '79
Andrea Vladimir '79
Amelia Wallace '79
Stephanie Weiner '79
Diana Zalph '79
Susan Zimmerman '79
Banks Adams III '80
Mark Barsotti '80
Laura Bickford '80
Andrew Boyd '80
Peter Bragdon '80
Pamela Bumgardner '80
Tamsen Byfield '80
Jean Davis Werner '80
Nita Desai '80
David Dowd '80
Monique DuBois '80
Carol Einhorn '80
Jennifer Elder '80
Elizabeth Engelhardt '80
Sharon Epstein '80
Susan Freedman '80
Yves Goldberg '80
Elaine Hall '80
C. Stewart Huntington '80
Doren Jacobs '80
Cindy Jorrie '80
Thomas Kerina '80
Kathy Kohls '80
Richard Ladd '80
Nancy Larson '80
Mark Lehrman '80
Jennifer Lombard '80
China Manookian '80
Wayne Martin '80
Timothy McDarrah '80
Sally McKay '80
Teri Morgantini '80
Marie Moss '80
David Norlander '80
Judith Norman '80
Raoul Ollman '80
Christopher Owen '80
Alexander Polsky '80
Martin Rebhun '80
Victoria Roome '80
Richard Sands '80
Kate Schafer '80
Osman Shahenshah '80
Philip Siegel '80
Victor Jr. Soler '80
Nick Vlack '80
Ronda Walther '80
Mary Adams '81
David Arthurs '81
Kathrine Avildsen '81
Elizabeth Bates Arnold '81
Stacey Beebe '81
Sebastian Brecht '81
Martina Brooks '81
Jordan Calvert Voelker '81
Catherine Cederquist '81
Mary Cox '81
Roger Gould '81
Jennifer Greenberg '81
Sarah Harris '81
Karl Helmolz '81
Brett Hyman '81
John Kalem '81
Kathryn Korostoff '81
Jacqueline Lefkowitz '81
Daniel Lopez '81
Jessica Lowry '81
Wilmer McCorquodale '81
Myrla Meade '81
Amir Mesrinejad '81
Michael Milholland '81
Helena Palmer '81
Any Pastnernak '81
Ann Pickering '81
Christine Prete '81
Eric Rosenthal '81
Harold Ruddick '81
Jennifer Sams '81
Claire Sanford '81
Brenda Santiago '81
Joseph Santiago '81
Benjamin Sharvy '81
David Siegel '81
Lauren Somlyo '81
Gwendolen Stack '81
James Tolson '81
Adrienne Van Norton '81
Jennifer Vogel '81
Sarah Weiner '81
Peter Wilf '81
Angela Youngblood '81
Elizabeth Arthur '82
Tracy Balzano '82
Christian Baudat '82
Marc Bergman '82
Karen Bloom '82
William Blum '82
David Boyd '82
Jonathan Carisi '82
Dawn Chapnik '82
Salvatore Contardi '82
Margo Cruz '82
Melissa Dignan '82
Anthony Freundel '82
Victoria Gahan '82
Heather Herbert '82
Anne Katherine '82
Nicholas Katz '82
Wedny Lader '82
Kenneth Lee '82
Nelson Lopez '82
Jonathan Lovell '82
Andrew McIntosh '82
Ruth Nicastri '82
Johnathan Parker '82
Amanda Pollack '82
Terry Prem '82
Todd Rachman '82
Kelly Robertson '82
Henry Roehl '82
Randall Rowe '82
Bryan Scheff '82
Seth Scholar '82
Eric Seigenfeld '82
Christopher Shaw '82
Darien Shulman '82
Jonathan Socolow '82
Noam Spanier '82
Eric Stagg '82
Robert Steinberg '82
Adam Summers '82
David Temkin '82
Jonathan Tobias '82
Anne-Marie Tomlinson '82
Nancy Ulrich '82
Vincent Warren '82
Margaret Wolf '82
Jerry Wright '82
Claire Anderson Winecoff '83
Kate Beebe '83
Andrew Berg '83
Jennifer Berman '83
James Brown '83
Julia Colby '83
Henry Davis '83
Joshua Evans '83
Colin Eversley '83
Erik/Eric Finger '83
Ja Ja Fischer '83
Yolanda Galindo '83
Rose Greenberg '83
David Harris '83
Lisa Heilbrunn '83
Kendle Jenkins '83
Tor Jones '83
Richard Lam '83
Thomas Lindsley '83
Matthew Lorin '83
Jack Luber '83
Douglas McHugh '83
Jill Moccia '83
Jennifer Mummert '83
Marjan Pelly '83
Charlene Powell '83
David Presby '83
Gregory Puritz '83
Curtis Reed '83
Elizabeth Reid '83
Gordon Reinaert '83
David Roberts '83
Timothy Rustow '83
Stacy Sadowy '83
David Schifter '83
Ronna Schulman '83
Donna Shaffer '83
Brian Smith '83
jennifer Snyder '83
Julie Sovern '83
Barbara Valente '83
Amanda Vogel '83
Andrew White '83
Zoe Zimmerman '83
Abigail Aaron '84
Brook Bartlett '84
Jessica Berman '84
Christine Boddicker '84
Christopher Bristow '84
David Burr '84
Craig Cary '84
Laurence Coch '84
Christopher Day '84
Larissa Dougherty '84
Nick Edelson '84
John Frizzell '84
Pamela Gordon '84
Charles Greene '84
Peter Grill '84
Rudolf Gruson '84
Deidre Hannon '84
Charlotte Harris '84
Claudia Heilbrunn '84
Bethany Hirsch '84
Philip Hummer '84
Karen Jacobson '84
Frederick Jernigan '84
Antony Kerz '84
Susan Leon '84
April Lerner '84
Leslie Lubow '84
Jacqueline Mandel '84
Sara Murphy '84
Nathaniel Otis '84
Marita Pechulis '84
David Platt '84
Amelia Pollack '84
Nicholas Polsky '84
Domingo Ramos '84
Janine Rauch '84
Gregory Robinson '84
Amelia Roosevelt '84
Joanna Ross '84
Elizabeth Ruddick '84
Marc Saidenberg '84
Michael Shure '84
Lisa Simpson '84
Christopher Smith '84
Simon Stack '84
Adam Townsend '84
Togo Travalia '84
Amanda Udis-Kessler '84
Ashley Vernon '84
Tanya Vytosky '84
Courtney Walker '84
Blair Weinberg '84
Richard White '84
Brian Wilson '84
Melissa Zarem '84
Ariane Zorgniotti '84
Ruth Baguskas '85
Rachel Beck '85
James Burger '85
Emily Crawford '85
Douglas Danoff '85
Nina Davidovich '85
William De Leon '85
Michael Finkelstein '85
Keith Galuten '85
Victoria Hanley '85
Sebastian Hardy '85
Nathalie Hiniker '85
Omar Hopkins '85
Peter Kern '85
Elizabeth Kriegsmann '85
Lucas La Fontaine '85
Jessica Levey '85
Errol Lightbody '85
Lisa Majete '85
Alexandria Masi '85
Stephen Maxfield '85
Joel McHugh '85
Carolyn McKee '85
Sabrina McKee '85
Claudia Melendez '85
Bruno Navasky '85
Joshua Peller '85
Theodore Proferes '85
Philip Ragonetti '85
Gwenevere Sanchez '85
Suzanne Scripps '85
Charles Sharpless '85
Erik Sherr '85
Kristin Slater '85
Damion Smith '85
Cynthia Townsend '85
Amanda Weltman '85
Dean Williamson '85
Rebecca Wood '85
Harry Adelson '86
Claire Barkett '86
Max Benjamin '86
Jordan Chinick '86
Meredith Davis '86
Fara Faber '86
Sydney Goldman '86
Julia Greenberg '86
Phillip Hom '86
Alision Hurley '86
Vanessa Kahen '86
Janine Kraus '86
Laura Migdal '86
Alison Pollet '86
John Porges '86
Zoe Reiter '86
Eric Robinson '86
Christopher Rossi '86
David Roth '86
Thomas Rotko '86
Karen Sloan '86
Jesse Sprague '86
Judith Strassberg '86
Joshua Van Lieu '86
Elizabeth Wall '86
Samantha Warwick '86
Nina Weiss '86
Peyton West '86
Caleb Belai '87
Lisa Bourne '87
Galilee Breuer '87
Kateri Burns '87
Caitlin Cahill '87
Mary Coch '87
Claudia Cooper '87
Joseph Dansky '87
Rana Dershowitz '87
Corliss Flynn '87
Caroline Fraser '87
Mark Fraser '87
Kevin Genieser '87
Jennifer Gottlieb '87
Justin Greene '87
Maximillion Gregan '87
Eric Gross '87
Karen Hamilton '87
Catharine Hampton '87
Justin Hochberg '87
Ziyad Hopkins '87
Lindsay Jamieson '87
Claire Johnston '87
Catherine Kim '87
Peter Kner '87
Amor Kohli '87
Anna Lande '87
Amanda Lichtenberg '87
Tamara Mann '87
Roeuingsy Mom '87
Elizabeth Northrop '87
Elizabeth Olken '87
Rachel Peller '87
Jennifer Perlman '87
Vicki Porges '87
Jordan Pozzi '87
Lisa Price '87
Tiffany Queller '87
David Sands '87
Emiliano Saxe '87
Stephen Seliger '87
Alison Sharpe '87
Nicole Simon '87
Louise Spiegler '87
Catherine Stein '87
James Thompson '87
Alexander West '87
Melissa Wiener '87
David Allan '88
Edoardo Ballerini '88
Shayler Barnes '88
Edith Batchler '88
Andrew Black '88
Gabriel Blanco '88
Alexander Chudnoff '88
Mark Elenko '88
Anthony Elgort '88
Nicholas Feffer '88
Evan Feldman '88
Lindsay Gaffner '88
Thomas Gelb '88
Alison Grambs '88
Hilary Granson '88
Michael Grutchfield '88
Juliana Hsiang '88
Timothy Kuschill '88
Joseph Lee '88
Wendy Levey '88
Gilbert Liu '88
Antonia Merzon '88
Timothy O'Shea '88
Caroline Orenski '88
Nili Pearlmutter '88
Jonathan Schwartz '88
Jennifer Sherr '88
Georgia West '88
Michael Wetmore '88
Nicholas Wojtasik '88
Leigh Berman '89
Joseph Burnett '89
Tracy Charters '89
Jennifer Danoff '89
Kirk Davis '89
Donald Dillport '89
Noah Falk '89
Eniko Ferenc '89
Jonas Ferris '89
Jonathan Flaum '89
Daesha Friedman '89
Anthony Gold '89
Maximilian Graham '89
David Granson '89
Sienna Gregan '89
William Guthrie '89
Valerie Hiniker '89
Jacqueline Huang '89
Peter Juhas '89
Judy Kim '89
David Kirshenbaum '89
Cory Koslin '89
Gerald Laurin '89
Daniel Lichstein '89
Lara Lipman '89
Rebecca Margulies '89
Jonathan McCullough '89
Jonathan Metzler '89
Joanna Morehead '89
Joshua Murray '89
Kathryn Northrop '89
John Patterson '89
Mom Phat-Sheehy '89
Emily Poler '89
Jeremy Pollet '89
Matthew Reiss '89
Joseph Repetur '89
Joshua Ridless '89
Jackye Robinson '89
Samantha Rodewald '89
Ariel Roland '89
Jennifer Sara '89
Andrew Schneider '89
Rebecca Schraffenberger '89
Nathaniel Simon '89
Katherine Stephens '89
Daphne Uviller '89
Kenneth Wachtel '89
Deborah Wallis '89
Marc Zinner '89
James Armstead Jr. '90
Sacha Bacro '90
Christina Bates '90
Abbai Belai '90
Jennifer Crystal '90
Nidhi Desai '90
Laura Dixon '90
Daniel Dunn '90
Brian Eng '90
Edith Faggen '90
Amy Falkenstein '90
Fred Falkson '90
Amy Ferrer-Rogers '90
Karima Grant '90
Natasha Herron '90
William Hirsch '90
Amanda Hudson '90
Allision Jospeh '90
Jordan Kahn '90
Jason Lader '90
Simon Lo '90
Wai Lo '90
Wendy Mims-Rivas '90
Megan Moldenhauer '90
Waswa Molenje '90
Amy Nakazato '90
Joshua Nichols '90
Susan Powers '90
Hallie Purrington '90
Danielle Queller '90
Sebastian Rodriguez-Boulan '90
Amy Rogers '90
Mike Rosaly '90
Matthew Sager '90
Yaron Urbas '90
Leslie Wildman '90
Brie Williams '90
Crossley Williams Jr. '90
Jeremy Adelman '91
Lauren Aland '91
Gregory Altman '91
Jessica Apple '91
Elijah Berk '91
Jose Bernik '91
Galen Caplis '91
Kiara Cox '91
Pablo Crosa '91
Alexandra Engel '91
Lisa Falkson '91
Gideon Feldstein '91
Michael Friedberg '91
Jennifer Garfield '91
Adam Gross '91
Douglas Gurfein '91
Sean Hansen '91
Sherene Hassen '91
Janae Henderson '91
Sarah Hoffman '91
John Hutcheson '91
Elie Israel '91
Alexander Lowenstein '91
Stephen Margerin '91
Marian Marks '91
Andrew McAllister '91
Sarah Mims '91
Stefan Monssen '91
Eoin O'Shea '91
Alexander Pigman '91
Valerie Reiss '91
Paul Rybczynski '91
Kristina Schlesinger '91
Mitchell Schorr '91
Emma Sobol '91
Sarah Stewart Wilkins '91
Cyrus Weinberger '91
Reginald Bradley '92
Derek Brown '92
Kevin Burnett '92
Thomas Coffin '92
Thomas DeGeorges '92
Glen Falkoff '92
Ambraham Feinbloom '92
Joshua Flicker '92
Jessica Forsyth '92
William Frost '92
Maya Hedstrom-O'Reilly '92
David Kingsley '92
Wawanda Lane '92
Sally Lee '92
Robyn Levey '92
Frank Liu '92
Christopher Medrano '92
Liam Newman '92
Leanne Paluck '92
Justin Parkhurst '92
Osgood Perkins '92
Chandra Poag '92
Joseph Radojevic '92
Gabriel Schneider '92
Ketzal Sterling '92
Gwendolyn Stoeger '92
Amy Strahler '92
Catherine Sullivan '92
Honey Villarreal '92
Karen Wachtel '92
Nikolas Zanetti '92
Rafael Arrillaga '93
Joanna Bloom '93
Jessica Campbell '93
Mary Clevenger '93
Guillermo Condesco '93
Kateri Cromwell '93
Kira Diner '93
Alexander Edlich '93
Benjamin Elliott '93
Richard Faigle '93
Grady Feldgus '93
Rebecca Goldstein '93
Juliana Houstoun '93
Peter Kaiser '93
Leigh Kolodny '93
Harlan Kroff '93
Kenneth LaFreniere '93
Rebecca Leonard-Goldstein '93
Noah Lesser '93
Matthew Lloyd '93
Nikki Luchnick '93
Kimberly Martin '93
Samuel Newhouse '93
Julie Nichols '93
Jane Pollack '93
Lars Reilly '93
Liana Romanyshyn - Flores '93
Jeremy Tiefenbrun '93
David Warner '93
Judson Yaker '93
Johanna Zetterberg '93
Eric Alperin '94
Sam Apple '94
Mason Ben-Yair '94
Iyala Berley '94
Jennifer Berley '94
Yuri Birchwood '94
Thomas Brown '94
Emilie Clark '94
Brian Coate '94
Kevin Dillon '94
Peter Edmunds '94
Katharine Ferrer-Rogers '94
Rachel Friedman '94
Dewan Hartwell '94
Cabell Hatfield '94
Michael Hofstadter '94
Russell Kahn '94
Monica Kim '94
Lauren Klain '94
Erin Laura '94
Benjamin Laurence '94
Tysan Lerner '94
George Liu '94
Alexis Lucente '94
David Marks '94
Elvis Perkins '94
Corey Rand '94
Anthony Rey '94
Kate Rogers '94
Benjamin Roschke '94
Rebecca Sgan-Cohen '94
Mian Shi '94
Beth Silver '94
Zachary Smith '94
Adina Soffer-Reihan '94
Naomi Stoller '94
Dorian Stone '94
Nasus Taube - Campos '94
Michael Waterman '94
Jason Weiss '94
Nicholas Bacro '95
Justin Borton '95
Hugo Condesco '95
Lindsey Cyrstal '95
Taylor Drotman '95
Andrea Green '95
Daniel Hastings '95
Scott Kaiser '95
Brian Langerman '95
Philip Levie '95
Caitlin Lindquist '95
Brendan Mason '95
Jennifer Mayers '95
Sean Mullan '95
Frances Obregon '95
Mariano Penaflorida '95
Cassandra Powers '95
Sarah Rosen '95
Joshua Rosenstein '95
Chelsea Ross Green '95
Zachary Schlee '95
A. Graham Selkirk '95
Michael Shopsin '95
Emily Specker '95
Kesang Wangyal '95
Kareemah Washington '95
Will Albright '96
James Benenson III '96
Lidia Bernik '96
Jonathan Borock '96
Louise Brooks '96
Dakota Bruce '96
Thomas Burns '96
Marin Buschel '96
Noah Buschel '96
Aisha Butler '96
Catherine Caplis '96
Ollie Cleveland III '96
Megan Connolly '96
Kimberly Cronheim '96
Christina Frankel '96
Harold Garcia '96
Julia Getzel '96
Max Greene '96
Michael Herscher '96
Jennifer Jamrog '96
Nathaniel Jencks '96
Amelia Klein '96
Nina Krieger '96
Steven Kroff '96
Michael Levick '96
Jared Lewin '96
Tony Ling '96
Nathaniel Marshall '96
Alice McGorty '96
Casey O'Brien '96
Reuben Orter '96
Sarah Owen '96
Daniel Poler '96
Masanori Sato '96
Robert Schecter '96
Jeremy Simon '96
Evan Spielman '96
Adrian Svesko '96
Aja Tingling '96
Matthew Wakeman '96
Kate Alexi-Meskhishvizi '97
Mia Alter '97
Elizabeth Ault Gavin '97
Paul Bendich '97
Erica Bloom '97
Cleo Brooks '97
Ilya Caplin '97
Meryl Eschen '97
Brooke Feingold '97
David Fingerhut '97
Alexandra Garcia '97
Christina Harris '97
Asa Johnson '97
Matthew Lief '97
Ian Marks '97
Livia Mazur '97
Jacob Olasov '97
Rebekah Polster '97
Joseph Powell '97
Dylan Roddick '97
Zachary Sapolsky '97
Benjamin Seltzer '97
Casey Shaw '97
Derek Silvers '97
Anna Sobel '97
Joseph Tam '97
Jennifer Warner '97
Delisa Wildy '97
Genevieve Zaragoza '97
Julie Zinner '97
David Ash '98
Petra Baum '98
Andrew Cohen '98
Gardiner Comfort '98
Joshua Feuer '98
Jessamyn Fiore '98
Beth Goldoff '98
Evan Hill-Ries '98
Victoria Lawson '98
Susannah Lescher '98
Moss Levenson '98
Margaret Locke '98
Alan Louie '98
Alicia Mac Gregor '98
Eli Mark '98
Aleksander Mehrle '98
Fernando Motta Morass '98
Max Saltonstall '98
William Scardino '98
Spencer Shea Griffin '98
Maria Skorobogatov '98
Jordan Stark '98
Katherine Steinberg '98
Eugene Stumpf '98
Vakhtang Sutidze '98
Miranda Tully '98
Miles Vidor '98
Annie Wong '98
Julien Baumrin '99
Bram Berg '99
Maria Bonarska '99
Nicholas de Coursey - Roberts '99
Miles Dolphin '99
Regan Doody '99
Andrew Gill-Unger '99
Danielle Goldstein '99
Edward Kim '99
David Klein '99
Lucy Lang '99
Christian Niedan '99
Malachy O'Hara '99
Brandon Prince '99
Eric Rachlin '99
Rebecca Reges-Green '99
Nicholas Roberts '99
Jessica Rochester '99
Florence Sommers '99
James Vinocur '99
David Weissman '99
Andrew Willmore '99
Christopher Zink '99
Gabriela Arrillaga '00
Adrien Bibiloni-Morales '00
Noah Brick '00
Jessica Caruso-Green '00
Hallie Cohen '00
Lucas Jansen '00
Spencer Kirk '00
Matthew Lattman '00
Cormac Levenson '00
Sanford McCoy '00
Benjamin Newhouse '00
Rayna Nock '00
Alexis Renvoize '00
Gabrielle Ruiz '00
Joshua Schnakenberg '00
Zane Selkirk '00
Khali Sollas '00
Jake Solomon '00
Allison Swerdlow '00
Tyler Temple-Higgins '00
Lauren Wohl '00
James Billington '01
Eve Gasarch '01
Justine Goodman '01
Zoe Holtzman '01
Florian Jay '01
Faith Klavan '01
Nicholas Klein - Vicario '01
Sarah Liang '01
Ami Lipman '01
Moira O'Shea '01
Matthew Parker-Lavine '01
Rachel Pecker '01
Jean Petrek-Duban '01
Matthew Shopsin '01
Emily Sneider '01
Melanie Speer '01
Lindsay Sutton '01
Lauren Van Pelt Lecour-Johnson '01
Jersey Walz '01
Bradley Bongar '02
Zachary Davis '02
Dana Ernst '02
Brett Gutterson '02
Douglas Hirth '02
Trevor Hollyn Taub '02
Emily Jean '02
Jane Levin '02
Jake Lipton '02
Xiao-Ping Liu '02
Harry McNally '02
Tess Monaghan '02
Gabrielle Moran '02
Rebecca Motherwell Swanson '02
Adam Naparsteck '02
Alexis Ray '02
Xavier Rivera '02
Elisabeth Schwarz '02
Reid Sheridan '02
Robert Shore '02
Douglas Sonnensheim '02
Lydia Weil '02
Thomas Bennett '03
Kate Biskind '03
Jake Cohen '03
Claire Comfort '03
Jacinta Gonzalez Goodman '03
Amanda Goodwin '03
Olivia Hazard '03
Tessa Hollyn Taub '03
Tom Huzarsky '03
William Johnson '03
Jennifer Katz '03
Lila Kushner '03
Alexander La Follette Wright '03
Jackson McCoy '03
Shusaku Moore '03
Matthew Phillips '03
Eugenio Pizzorno '03
Nadia Prinz '03
Patrick Stella '03
Oliver Temple-Higgins '03
Deborah Aguirre '04
Matthew Bengloff '04
Alexander Billington '04
Nicholas Bremer '04
Jack Chumley '04
Julia Cohen Chapman '04
William Cole Jr. '04
Lena Dunham '04
Aidan Gould '04
Chloe Guttridge '04
Sheila Healy '04
Tiffany Hickman '04
Max Klein '04
Eva Kuhn '04
Andre Mayers '04
Edward Robinson Frese '04
Emma Rosenbush '04
Michael Sonnenshein '04
Peter Staal Borock '04
Elizabeth Tankel '04
Addison Walz '04
Andrew Falkenstein '05
John Faloon '05
Kate Fasbinder '05
Heather Finney '05
Ashley Gavin '05
Alex Jarrell '05
Laurence Lecour-Johnson '05
Kate Monaghan '05
Benjamin Naparsteck '05
Kaitlin Parry '05
Sarah Jane Walker '05
Isaiah Flax '06
Dayna Harris '06
Ian Hochman-Reid '06
Zoe Kahn '06
Godwin Maidment '06
Arianne Moore '06
Matthew Fisketjon '07
Thomas Johnson '07
Avery Kramer '07
Christiane Lee '07
Christina Mason '07
Pete Sneider '07
Philip Spradley '07
Brandon Williams '07
Nola Barackman '08
Julia McAnuff '08
Lily Rosenthal '08
Katherine Shepherd '08
Rachel Walker '08
James Carbone '09
Alexandra Heimann '09
Misha Naiman '09
Emma Weinstein '09
Ha Chi Yu '09
Maia Brown-Jackson '10
Grace Dunham '10
Hart Gliedman '10
Elliot Kramer '10
Nicholas Kriegman '10
Ghislaine Mareneck '10
Edward Margules '10
Andrea Montesdeoca '10
Erica Perednia '10
Rebecca Stern '10
Olivia Blatchford '11
Max Cohen '11
Grace Fallek '11
Anna Feigenbaum '11
Carolyn Hernandez-Fauvell '11
Michael Mason '11
Katharine Schreiber '11
Ruben Amaez '12
Georgia Blatchford '12
Charles Clayton '12
Jackson Kriegman '12
Cyrus Ra '12
Sophia Washburn '12
Benjamin Wilentz '12
Isabela Abeyta '13
Charles Bardey '13
Tamara Bascombe '13
Molly Becker '13
Jonah Ernst '13
Aren Lawton '13
Jasper Marsalis '13
Gabriela Novogratz '13
Lillian Roberts '13
William Rowles '13
Pandora Spirakis '13
Patrick Thane '13
Kiera Wong McGee '13
Adam DePaz '14
Sidney Haase-Puissant '14
Madeleine Lippey '14
Mira Liu-Sarkar '14
Anna-Alexia Novogratz '14
Fiona Ryan '14
Elisabeth Shaver-Melahn '14
Peik Shelton '14
Celia Zaretsky '14
Felix Gifford '15
Jared Jory-Geiger '15
Tessa Kriegman '15
Isaiah Margulies '15
Meagan Rodriguez '15
Willa Rudolph '15
Chloe Peck-Sanders '16

We’ve lost track of some of our Friends. Here is a list of lost alumni by class year. Please take a minute to browse through. If you are one of the “lost,” please submit your information via the form or by logging on to the website. If you see someone you know, please forward this link to them and encourage them to get in touch. 
Fill out my online form.
Friends Seminary actively promotes diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism in all its programs and operations, including admissions, financial aid, hiring, and all facets of the educational experience. To form a community which strives to reflect the world’s diversity, we do not discriminate on the basis of race or color, religion, nationality, ethnicity, economic background, physical ability, sex, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation. Friends Seminary is an equal opportunity employer.

222 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
P: 212-979-5030
F: 212.979.5034
Friends Seminary — the oldest continuously operated, coeducational school in NYC — serves college-bound day students in Kindergarten-Grade 12.