The work of diversity, equity and belonging asks us to lean into our core value of community. It requires that all constituencies participate in this work and considers how we can strengthen our programming so that each member of our community can experience belonging at Friends. In order to encourage the distribution of this work across all divisions and offices, we offer Diversity, Equity and Belonging Committees for staff/faculty, Upper School students, parents, the Board of Trustees, and Alumni. Each Committee works with the Director of Diversity, Equity and Belonging to ensure that their goals are aligned to the diversity, equity and belonging goals of the senior administration.
The Office of Diversity, Equity & Belonging, maintains two DEB Committees for our on-campus population—one for Upper School students, and the other for staff and faculty. Both committees work closely with the Director of DEB and the Specialist for DEB to foster a community that is inclusive and equitable to our growing diverse community.
Upper School Student DEB Committee

Mia ’27, Khady ’26, Cheyenne ’26, Jahzara ’25, Jade ’25, Jyotrimoy ’24, Graham ’24, Miles ’24, Indigo ’24 // Adult Facilitators: Kirsti Peters (Director of DEB) and Ava Heller (CPEJ Specialist for DEB)
The Upper School DEB Committee meets with the Director of DEB and the Specialist for DEB once every other week. Like the other Upper School Committees, members represent each grade and are affirmed by their peers. Two DEB clerks (Indigo '24 and Miles '24 for 2023-2024) are responsible for running each meeting. In 2022-2023, the DEB Committee focused on identifying and disrupting microaggressions, and 2023-2024’s committee is passionate about addressing cancel culture and ensuring that all students feel like they belong.
Staff/Faculty DEB Committee

Lower School: Jessica Contreras, Isabel Dominguez, Jaja Engel-Snow, Andrew Fox, LaurenGraham, Khairah Klein; Middle School: Stephanie Teo, Trent Williams, Jennifer Gandásegui, Lynn Lin, Yuxi Lin, Elizabeth Lipshutz; Upper School: Peter Kalajian, Katherine Prudente, Stephon Richardson; Staff: Ava Heller, Kara Kutner, Michael Mudho; Clerk: Kirsti Peters (Director of DEB)
The staff/faculty DEB Committee meets once each month and has representation from all three divisions as well as the administrative staff. Each division creates their own diversity, equity and belonging goals for the year and works with the Director of DEB and their Division Head to achieve these goals. Members from the Lower School have created developmentally appropriate identity lessons, using the Learning for Justice standards, which are currently being implemented in the Lower School. The Middle School has been working together to create advisory lessons that center identity and belonging. The Upper School is working with our Dean of Studies to take stock of how DEB shows up in our curriculum and explore what it can look like across all disciplines.