Financial aid funds provide essential funding to support students attending Friends Seminary. Financial aid and anciliary aid supports everything that makes a Friends Seminary education special, including smooth curriculum programming, professional development for faculty that translates into unique, evolving syllabi, school plays, sports teams and coaches, student clubs, healthy, clean and nourishing breakfast, lunch, and snacks every day, and a safe school environment in classrooms with every physical and technological resource that teachers need.
Abraham and Sarah Bell Scholarship Fund
Established by Eleanor and Stanley Hochman, parents of David Hochman ’74 and grandparents of Daniel ’07 and Joel ’09, this endowed fund supports a deserving student at Friends Seminary, in any grade, with an annual grant of financial aid.
Adrienne Owen Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
During her life, Adrienne Owen was passionate about the arts, first as a sculptor, later as an art therapist and lastly as a board member and patron to performing arts institutions. In keeping with this spirit, The Adrienne Owen Family Endowed Scholarship Fund provides financial aid for a Friends Seminary student who is interested in and/or gifted in the performing or visual arts.
Anna Green Fund
This fund was established in memory of Anna Green, Lower School Learning Specialist, to help children who need learning support.
Artists for Artists Fund
The Artists for Artists Endowed Fund contributes to financial assistance for the children of practicing artists at Friends Seminary. Friends Seminary's unique history connects it to the art culture of the City; the School has educated the children of renowned artists, many of whom live in the surrounding neighborhoods. A robust arts program has always been a part of a Friends education, and we continue to encourage parents in the creative community to apply for admission to the School.
Avery Arts Endowed Scholarship Fund
This endowed fund was established by Milton and Sally Avery, grandparents of Sean Cavanaugh ’87, to provide financial aid for students talented in the arts.
Ayrev Davis Harshbarger Fund
This endowed fund was established in memory of Ayrev Davis Harshbarger '89 to provide tuition aid to a Friends student who excels in areas that mattered most to Ayrev including: painting, photography, filmmaking, playwriting, scriptwriting, poetry and architecture.
Benefit Auction Endowment for Financial Aid (2019)
This fund was created during the Benefit Auction in 2019 to provide financial aid assistance to a Friends Seminary student.
Bertram Gibson III '87 Scholarship Fund
The Gibson family established this fund in memory of their son, Bertram, for a student in financial need who aspires to be a writer.
C.V. Starr Scholarship Fund
Established at Friends Seminary in 2007 as a permanent scholarship endowment by The Starr Foundation as a memorial to their founder, the late Cornelius Vander Starr. This fund provides scholarship assistance to students on the basis of merit and need.
Cella Irvine ’75 Memorial Fund
For 47 years, Cella Irvine ’75 was an integral and vital member of the Friends Seminary community as an alumna, parent of two “lifers,” and member of the Board of Trustees. Upon Cella’s passing in 2016, her family established the Cella Irvine ’75 Memorial Fund to provide financial aid to young women of color. The Fund celebrates her legacy both as a champion of women’s leadership and as a dedicated member of the Friends community.
Davis Family Scholarship Fund
Established by Jo Anne and Malcolm Davis, parents of Stephanie B. Davis ’94 and Brian Davis ’97, this fund supports a Friends Seminary student in good academic standing with demonstrated financial need.
Dolores M. Hoelle Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established in memory of Dolores M. Hoelle, a neighbor of Friends Seminary, to be used to provide financial aid to a Friends Seminary student.
Donald Bender Memorial Fund
Established in memory of Donald Bender, beloved member of Friends Seminary's Music Department, to benefit financial aid.
Donna Franca Ottolenghi '68 Scholarship Fund
This endowed fund was established to honor the memory of Donna, whose passion for learning and compassion for humanity will continue to inspire all those whose lives she touched. The fund supports a Friends Seminary student in good academic standing with demonstrated financial need.
Earle L. Hunter Scholarship Fund
The Earle L. Hunter Scholarship Fund was established in 1972 by the Friends Seminary Alumni Association in honor of Dr. Hunter, who retired that year as Head of the Upper School. The income from this fund would provide financial aid to students requiring financial assistance with a preference for children of Friends Seminary alumni.
Elaine Wingate Conway ’52 Scholarship Fund
This fund was established by Elaine Wingate Conway ’52 for tuition aid for Kindergarten through Grade 12 students.
Endowment for Financial Aid
Endowment for Financial Aid - Light the Future Campaign
This fund, created during the Light the Future campaign, provides tuition aid to deserving students.
Ernst Scholarship for Students of the Americas
Established by Margot and John L. Ernst, parents of Jessica Ernst '00 and grandparents of Jonah Ernest '13 and Odessa Ernst '17, to provide financial aid for a student whose ethnic heritage includes indigenous people from the Americas.
Gibbs Family Scholarship Fund
Established by Janet, Howard, Nancy ’78 and Christopher ’76 Gibbs, this endowed fund supports financial aid to a deserving Friends Seminary student.
Gilmore Fund for Quakers
This fund provides financial aid for Quaker students.
Gordon A. Rich ’75 Scholarship Fund
Established in Gordon’s memory by his family, friends, teachers and colleagues, this fund provides financial aid for a student of color enrolled at Friends Seminary in Grades 7-12.
Helena Rubinstein Endowed Scholarship Fund
This endowed fund provides financial assistance for female students of color.
Helene L. and Mark N. Kaplan Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by their daughters, Marjorie Kaplan ’72 and Sue Kaplan ’74 to honor and recognize the influence and legacy of their parents, Helene L. and Mark N. Kaplan, for their lifelong commitment to education and to service.
Henry Lee ’43 Memorial Scholarship Fund
This endowment was created by his children on the occasion of his 70th birthday in 1994. Since his death in 1995, this scholarship fund has grown into the largest named endowed fund at Friends Seminary; it provides financial assistance to Asian-American students
Irina Hon ’13 Memorial Financial Aid Fund at Friends Seminary
The Irina Hon ’13 Memorial Financial Aid Fund was established by the students of the Class of 2013 and their families to honor the memory of their classmate Irina Hon (1995-2010), who wished to be remembered for her smile and laughter. A financial aid award is made annually to an immigrant or first generation student with demonstrated financial need.
The Judy Anderson '66 and Jane Suntken Fund for Financial AidThe Judy Anderson ’66 and Jane Suntken Fund for Financial Aid provides financial aid for qualified Lower School students. This Fund memorializes their legendary teaching partnership. The Jane Suntken Scholarship Fund, established in 2001, was renamed in honor of Judy's retirement in 2024.
Jeanne McAlister Griffiths ’75 Endowed Fund for Financial Aid
The Jeanne McAlister Griffiths ’75 Endowed Fund for Financial Aid was established by Irma Hilton, Deborah McAlister Jones ’78 and Elizabeth Hilton Segel ’88 to honor the memory of their daughter and sister Jeanne McAlister Griffiths ’75 (1963-2013), who brought light and life to her classmates, family and friends. A financial aid award will be made annually to a student with demonstrated financial need.
John Paul “Pablo” Jakobson ’81 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established by Pablo’s father, other members of his family, and friends to honor and memorialize his short life, this fund provides financial assistance to a student with demonstrated need who has interest and talent in music or the performing arts.
Jonathan L Cohen Goldman Sachs Gives Endowment for Financial Aid
Established by Nathalie and Pablo Salame to honor Jonathan Cohen who served as a trustee of Friends Seminary, this fund provides financial aid for a qualified student.
Joyce G. McCray Fund
This endowed fund was created to honor Joyce G. McCray, who served as Friends Seminary Principal 1977-1989. The income from this fund is used for financial aid.
Lower Eastside E.E. Ford Scholarship Fund
This endowed fund provides financial assistance for Upper School students in grades 9-12.
Marga and Samuel P. Hirst Scholarship Fund at Friends Seminary
Established in honor of Marga and Samuel Hirst, parents of David ’75 and Michael ’76, this fund provides tuition assistance for a qualified student demonstrating financial need.
Morris and Alma Schapiro Endowed Scholarship Fund
This endowed scholarship provides financial aid for an Upper School student with interest and talent in the arts.
Opening Way Fund
This endowed fund provides financial aid for a student who might not otherwise be able to attend Friends.
Plitt Loan Fund
This fund provides tuition assistance to students in need.
Reader's Digest Scholarship Fund
This endowment provides partial scholarships to academically qualified students from middle-income families.
Richard Wong Family Education Fund
This endowed fund was established in 2005 by Richard and Mae Wong, parents of Boji Wong ’92 and Richard T. Wong ’98 to attract a greater number of students of Chinese ancestry to the School, which will provide outstanding educational experiences, access to enriching opportunities and a foundation to achieve lifelong success. The fund was later renamed the Richard Wong Family Education Fund in honor of their father who dedicated his life to advancing the lives and rights of Chinese Americans and recognized the power and importance of education.
Robin Hoffmann Fund for Equitable Education
This endowed Fund will provide ancillary aid for needs beyond tuition, such as tutoring and Extended Programs that families could not otherwise afford. Enabling financial aid students to engage fully in all aspects of school life is critical to instilling a sense of belonging.
Salame Family Goldman Sachs Gives Endowment for Financial Aid at Friends Seminary
Established by Nathalie and Pablo Salame, the purpose of this Fund is to provide financial aid for a qualified student who would enrich the Friends community.
Sandra Jelin Plouffe '93 Memorial Fund for Financial Aid
This fund was established in 2019 in memory of Friends alumna and parent Sandra Jelin Plouffe '93 by her family and friends. This fund will provide financial aid to students with a preference for recipients who join the School in Grade 7 and who come to Friends Seminary through a program such as Prep for Prep that identifies promising students who would benefit from an independent school.
Sheri Powers ’79 Scholarship Fund for African-American Students at Friends Seminary
This endowed fund was established by Sheri Powers ’79 to recognize and support African-American students of promise.
Sidney D. Weisner Scholarship Fund
Established in Sidney’s memory by his family, this Fund supports a promising Upper School student, who by making the most of their educational opportunities, enriches the values and culture of Friends Seminary — Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality.
The Benny Caiola Memorial Scholarship Fund
An endowed fund to supplement tuition for the gifted children of families who otherwise could not afford an education at Friends.
The Healey Endowed Financial Aid Fund
Established in 2009 by Joseph P. Healey, this fund provides financial resources to students who would not otherwise be able to benefit from the outstanding education at Friends Seminary.
The Integrity, Peace and Community Financial Aid Endowed Fund
The Integrity, Peace and Community Financial Aid Endowed Fund was established by a Friends Seminary Quaker family to honor Pamela Wood (el-Okdah), upon her retirement after 30 years of service to the School, not only for her vision and wisdom as Middle School Head but also as a prominent member of the Morningside Meeting who taught and lived Quaker values at Friends. The Integrity, Peace and Community Financial Aid Endowed Fund provides a financial aid award to a student at Friends Seminary who is a Middle or Upper School student for whom the Principal deems there is a financial need and one who demonstrates the Quaker values of Peace, Integrity and Community through his/her studies, activities and general conduct.
The Larry Carter Legacy Fund
The Larry Carter Legacy Fund was created by the Alumni Council's Diversity Equity & Belonging Committee in honor of beloved Math teacher Larry Carter, who in teaching and mentorship inspired a sense of belonging for students of color. This fund will be used to attract, enroll, and provide financial aid to Friends Seminary's students of color, therefore supporting the School's commitment to diversity and inclusion.
The Paluszek Family Financial Aid Fund
This endowed fund provides financial aid for a student who might not otherwise be able to attend Friends.
William Randolph Hearst Scholarship Fund
This fund provides tuition assistance to students of color in Grades K-6 from the Lower East Side in search of excellence and intellectual pursuit.